Writeober – Day 06: Hat

A hat is a very particular article of clothing. Some people think you pick the hat, but that’s not true. The hat picks you. You don’t have to know the right color or the right style. You don’t even have to know the right kind. But when you put it on, you know.

You slide a newsboy cap over your head, and it looks weird. You replace it with a cowboy hat, and though you think you might be able to pull it off, something doesn’t sit right. A fedora slips loosely over your forehead, but you stare in the mirror and know it’s not what you’re looking for.

Then it happens. You pick up a baseball hat and everything just clicks. It’s worn, slightly coming undone at the seams. There’s even some discoloration. But none of that matters. Once you see it you know you’ve found the one.

Writeober – Day 05: Taste

The instant it touched my lips and tongue I’d never felt anything like it before. I’ve craved things before today. Things people usually take for granted like food and drink. I’ve wanted things, like wishing I could be somewhere else. All different longings, but nothing like this.

I probably should be disgusted. Revolted. My eyes pop open for a moment and though my mouth stays where it is, my eyes roam. I see red. Both literally and physically.

It doesn’t matter if I’m making a mess. I can’t stop myself. Not until Alterion pulls at my hair, forcing me to break away.

Keeping a firm grasp around my hair, parts of which now drip crimson, he inches closer to me. His serrated teeth, what mine look like now, are made visible when he unleashed the sinister smile I’ve grown accustomed to.

“How does it taste?” His words are almost a whisper.

I stare down at the motionless body, still feeling no hint of concern or sorrow. All my emotions are pushed aside, leaving nothing but the craving. I can only utter one word.
